March 28, 2018

How to make USB which collect passwords in seconds

                      Credential USB is a usb that includes various types of softwares and program to collect all files like Username,passwords,etc. from target computer.Credential usb may help you to collect all password in whole computer in one click.

To make hackable usb first you need some requirements:
1) A USB (Min 2 GB)
2) A usb hacking tool

Softwares included in the usb hacking tool that collects all passwords:
1) Router passwords
2) Chrome passwords
3) Wifi passwords
4) Firefox passwords
5) E-mail passwords
6) Windows Product key recovery


1) First Download usb hacking tool zip file from following link and extract it.

USB hacking tool: Download from here

***Very important note: Don't forget to disable antivirus such as windows defender,etc. while downloading and extracting files or do not scan this file using antivirus otherwise some files will delete.***


2) Connect usb to your PC.


3) Paste "usb hacking" folder in your USB.


4) Now connect USB to your target computer.


5) Run "attack.bat" file.


6) Succeed! Now you hacked all passwords in target computers. These passwords will save in  ".txtformat.


Note: You can use this tool for recovering lost passwords.

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