Recently, WhatsApp updated their privacy policy and many people started criticizing their policy. Also there were spreading more misinformation about WhatsApp privacy policy. In this controversy, Elon Musk tweeted about Signal app and most of the people started using Signal App. So in this post we are discussing about why Signal app is good alternative for WhatsApp.
Summary of Signal App
Signal private messenger is developed by the Signal Technology Foundation and Signal Messenger LLC. This messenger app initially released in 2014. The Signal Foundation was created by WhatsApp co-founder Brian Acton and Moxie Marlinspike who is current CEO of Signal app.
Features of Signal Messenger
- Open Source
Signal private messenger is completely open source app .That means anyone can see source code of this app. If there is an issue or bug in the app, anyone can fix issues occurred in the app from anywhere. Because of this transparency, you can trust this app much better than any other close source messenger apps like WhatsApp,Facebook,etc.
Here is the source code of Signal app - Source code
- Multi - platform support
Signal private messenger is available on every platform like Android, iOS, Windows, Mac and Linux.
- Security
Like WhatsApp, Signal app also provide end-to-end encryption. Additionally, It also encrypt users files and metadata and store a fully encrypted local backup.Signal app also encrypt group calls.
- Other salient features
- Incognito Keyboard
- Delete for everyone
- @ Mentions in Group Chats
- Chat Stickers
- Disappearing messages
- Screen Security
- Note to Self
Although,Signal is much better option for the people who are concerned about app privacy.We can't replace WhatsApp easily because it becomes part our daily life and every single person use WhatsApp. But we can slowly switch to other privacy-based apps like Signal.
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